
About Your Sponsor Lillian
Welcome!! I’m Andyana, most people know me as “Lillian and or Lilli” I’m 25 years old and have a 10 month old son!
I was given the opportunity to join this amazing company!
(We do fill out a W-9 so this is IRS regulated!!)
When I first joined, I will be completely honest! I myself didn’t think I would be able to make any sales! I’ve never worked in sales my entire life and wasn’t sure why I even agreed to join the company. But at the back of my mind I wanted to see the same outcome from my sponsor! She was making over 500$ A WEEK and that was the main reason I joined! No lies!!
I wanted to be able to work from home and watch my son grow up! What parents wouldn’t wish for that lifestyle? That was my ultimate goal, to make money and support my son!
I followed the training that I was provided with and I always asked for help from my teammates and as well as my sponsor.
I was getting discouraged. I had seen new members that joined after me making their sales left and right and here I was sitting, sipping on tea, and wondering what I wasn’t doing that those people were! And you know what that number ONE thing I wasn’t doing? BEING CONFIDENT IN MYSELF. I was so focused on everyone around me and that was bringing my level of energy down. I collected myself and said “ Lilli, don’t focus on those around you! Be happy for them, and keep working hard and become confident in yourself and what I am selling. If I’m not confident why would anyone want to join my team!?” A few days later I finally made my first sale and I was the happiest person. I kid you not, I was a lil girl screaming, jumping up and down for joy! Even though in the back of my mind, I didn’t think I would make a sale, I finally did! All because I changed my attitude! After that first sale, they became easier and easier. I was working HARD for that money I wanted to see!!
BUT once I started making sales, eventually money was no longer what I was reaching for! I WANTED MORE! I wanted to be that person that could change someone’s life!! Help them get to where they needed or wanted to be!! I wanted to be able to help with their financial issues and help build that credit!
I won’t lie, my credit was awful! I honestly didn’t care about my credit or think that it needed to be fixed. As I started applying for things I kept getting denied over and over all because my credit score was low 400s! I then realized I needed to start fixing my credit!
I started following the steps and using the tools I was provided with “MyEcon” and my credit started improving little by little! My scores still not in the 750s but that’s okay!! I’ve only been with the company for exactly 1 full month and my scores officially up to 605! Most people would be ashamed of that score, but I’m not. I’m proud of myself for using the tools that I’m provided with and I’m on the road to fixing my score even more!! And you could be too!!
Let me help you fix/build that credit. We’re in 2019 and the main thing that defines us is our credit when we are applying for services! It doesn’t matter how much money you make, or if you have a good job. Sadly, company’s won’t look at you in that way, they will be looking at you based on your credit, so if your credit isn’t 750+ or higher LETS FIX THAT!! Don’t be ashamed to have bad credit, it happens to the best of us. BUT be ASHAMED if you do NOTHING about it!